Major software releases from M3L team will be announced here. Current in-house open source and proprietary tools under development are described here. We also use academic and commercial software for research. Atomic-scale work includes DFT, QMC, MD simulation tools. CFD codes used are OpenFOAM and nek5000. Among FEA codes, we have access to ABAQUS and ANSYS. Multiphysics tools such as COMSOL are also used by group members.
Multiscale tools for Accelerating Materials Design and Deployment
HPC Compatible Codes Heading link

- High-throughput DFT tool for Phase Diagram and Surface Chemistry Search
- Microscale corrosion and electrode dynamics
- Mesoscale laser sintering tool for additive manufacturing
- Mesoscale paint spray and cold spray deposition tools
- Hybrid KMC-MD code for nanoscale alloy design
- DEM Paint Spray Tool
- Anti-icing Coatings Design Tool
- Microscale paint spray and deposition tool
- Microscale liquid jet atomization tool
- CRADLE (Corrosion Resistant Alloy Design and Lifetime Evaluation)